cluster in: Athens, Greece
working group: British
Council, Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hellenic Institute of Culture,
Swedish Institute, House of Cyprus, Instituto Cervantes, Embassy of Norway –
however all members are expected to be involved in actual project delivery and
dissemination of results
The arts
are a powerful vehicle for social-emotional learning because they have
universal appeal and allow for group participation by persons of all abilities,
cultures and backgrounds. Shared creative experiences can facilitate insight
and empathy, which enable changing perceptions of self and others, social
connection, and individual and collective empowerment. Furthermore, group-based
arts activities can be implemented in school, local communities and recreational
settings where most youth can be found. Arts no longer exist only in concert
halls, theatres and exhibition galleries- it has become a powerful agent of
social change, inspiring young people, families and communities to realize
their potential and create opportunities for growth, poverty relief and social
inclusion of disadvantaged groups (migrants, unemployed, NEETs etc). At the
same time governments and people around the world are increasingly recognizing
the importance of the arts and culture as a dynamic and innovative sector with
clear linkages to employment, education and the wider socio-economic arena. Not
without debate, still, it has become increasingly clear that the creative
industries are not only driving innovation and impacting our lives as consumers
and citizens, but becoming essential to the infrastructure of our societies. Yet
accessing their full potential remains a challenge and public policies, skills
and infrastructure are often struggling to keep up.
Project ambition and objectives
The project
aims to bring together artists, creative professionals and arts organizations
with NGO’s, community leaders and social entrepreneurs to share skills,
knowledge, learn from each other and work collaboratively to create pilot
activities for city development.
Project objectives:
- To raise awareness of the value of interactions and cross sector collaboration between artists, creative and social entrepreneurs and civil society organizations.
- To create a lab environment where this collaborative spirit can flourish and lead to action.
- To build skills, increase cross sector exchange and knowledge transfer and improve cultural sector capacity and opportunities for collaboration/employment.
- As an end result, present 3 pilot activities each one of them tackling timely and relevant social or community issues through collaborative projects.
- Share results and ideas in a round table discussion for policy makers and key stakeholders at local and international level
Project description and project
project promotes the value and contribution of Arts and Culture in Social
Development. Through a series of creative and inspirational workshops focusing
on how the arts can be successfully integrated into social development
programmes involving migrants and ethnic minority communities, local
communities, young professionals, disadvantaged groups (unemployed youth, low
income families etc). The project will bring together a
range of creative international and Greek experts who will provide
inspirational outreach training- beyond official policies and strategies.
programme includes participatory creative workshops, presentations and
discussions, pilots with youth-led activities, key recommendations for policy
makers but also will provide an informal platform for networking and exchanging
knowledge and best practices in the field and share this knowledge with
relevant networks and EUNIC cluster in Europe and outside Europe.
for capacity building and exchange of ideas and best practises: The workshops
will be organised around four
interrelated themes so as to provide a holistic approach in the field of
Arts for Social Development: Arts and Social Entrepreneurship, Arts and Social Inclusion, Cultural Rights,
and Creative Industries and local development.
and Creative Industries and local development.
The next workshop will be CREATE/CHANGE in partnership with the 5th International
Kinitiras Choreography Lab - will be held on Saturday 12th of
July 2014 at Kinitiras Studio. 9.30-5.00.
Through inspirational talks
and lively discussions this workshop will highlight the role of creative
industries as a new source of growth and social development. There will be also
discussions about the frameworks that need to be put in place for this sector
to flourish and create an environment in which writers, poets, visual artists,
filmmakers and other cultural practitioners are able to develop, create and
perform and thus contribute to the creation of new jobs and opportunities for
young people, in urban regeneration or in reviving traditional professions in
the fields of tourism, cultural heritage etc.
Resources, project partners
Project partners:
EUNIC Cluster Athens
Members of EUNIC Cluster Thessaloniki
Greek Ministry of Culture
Greek Ministry of Labour
University of Athens
International Kinitiras Choreography Lab/Kinitiras Studio & Artistic Residency Center
International Kinitiras Choreography Lab/Kinitiras Studio & Artistic Residency Center
NGOs in the field of migration, poverty relief, cultural
Athens Voice
City of Athens
General Secretariat for Youth
Social Entreprises (180o, etc)
EUNIC -- ARTS FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT -- Creative Industries & Social Entrepreneurship
Saturday, 12th July 2014,
Kinitiras Studio & Artists Residency Center, Erechtheiou 22, Athens 117-42.
Hosted by the 5th International Kinitiras Choreography Lab 2014.
9.30 Welcome/coffee
10.00-10.20 Introduction to Arts for Social Development Project /EUNIC
10.20-11.00 Introduction and overview of Creative Industries (Kinitiras Choreography Lab) Ana Sanchez-Colberg) and Social Entrepreneurship (Aphrodite Bouikidis- Ashoka Institute)
11.00-12.30 Case-studies presentation
Presentation of case studies of artists:
· Kinitiras Studio and Artistic Residency Center (Antigone Gyra)
· Daghda Arts Center, R.I.C.E. on Hydra (Michael Klien)
· Filisia- Creative Interfaces (Georgios Papadakis, Founder)
12.30- 1.30 Breakaway workshop task 1 – Personal Audit Workshop
Who are I/we as artists (individually & collectively)? What do I/we know individually & collectively? What do I/we do with what we know? Does this knowledge allow me/us to do anything else? Anything new but related? Who do I/we know that may serve as a potential ally/collaborator? How can my/our work as an artist benefit /be aligned to ‘creative industries’ directives? Can it lead to social innovation? To social change? How can/does my/our work help ‘regenerate’ the whole spectrum of participants in the arts sector in Greece?
1.30-2.15 Lunch break (light snacks will be provided)
2.15- 2.45 Presentation by each group/ discussion/ further question and answers
2.45—3.45 Breakaway workshop task 2 – Developing an action plan -drafting a possible proposal:
In what areas do I/we need to grown in order to create a more sustainable future/support for my/our work? How can I give concrete value to the ‘intangible’ aspects of arts practices? How does social innovation/transformation feature in my ideas? Who or what do we need to make this happen? Can I come up with a list of ideas that could generate a project that could evolve into a long term project? Could our collective and individual work lead to a policy change?
3.45 – 4.00 Coffee break
4.00-4.45 Presentation by each group – discussion Q&A
4.45-5.00 Wrap up – next steps –‘Take away’ to develop further ?
6. 30 PM OPEN STUDIO EVENT - Informal performance/presentation by Linda Birkedal (N), Robert Clark (UK), John Paul Zaccarini (Sweden, University of the Arts Stockholm).
We welcome participants from all areas of arts & related practices, however spaces are limited so registration is essential. Please register electronically by completing the form in this link no later than Wednesday 9th July 2014.: