Threads -
In Between.
Words appear on walls - touch, sound, dilema.
We choose not to tape the sessions, keep it intimate...between us.
Thoughts on the go:
Sta je to cekanje? Ne raditi nista ili raditi nesto - ono je izmedju. Prvobitna teza je da cekanje moze biti aktivno i pasivno...ali istrazujuci ovaj materijal nikako ne otkrivam pasivni aspekat cekanja.....mozda on ne postoji?
Trabajamos con el termino "In between"... no puedo evitar llevarlo al espanol "Entremedios". Entre medios en espanol tambien significa estar entre medios artisticos...Lo estimo una realidad personal: entre la pintura, entre el performance, entre la danza...
The concept of "In between..." involves and pertains an indefinite amount of possibilities that are simply out there. The magical moment arose when we got together in trios and started brainstorming. In a few moments, my brain just went hyper with excitement! And when we all got together to discuss about our 'findings' the collective thoughts that were generated just added more layers to that magical elements in the moment and this particular worksohop..!
In Between.
Words appear on walls - touch, sound, dilema.
We choose not to tape the sessions, keep it intimate...between us.
Thoughts on the go:
Sta je to cekanje? Ne raditi nista ili raditi nesto - ono je izmedju. Prvobitna teza je da cekanje moze biti aktivno i pasivno...ali istrazujuci ovaj materijal nikako ne otkrivam pasivni aspekat cekanja.....mozda on ne postoji?
Trabajamos con el termino "In between"... no puedo evitar llevarlo al espanol "Entremedios". Entre medios en espanol tambien significa estar entre medios artisticos...Lo estimo una realidad personal: entre la pintura, entre el performance, entre la danza...
The concept of "In between..." involves and pertains an indefinite amount of possibilities that are simply out there. The magical moment arose when we got together in trios and started brainstorming. In a few moments, my brain just went hyper with excitement! And when we all got together to discuss about our 'findings' the collective thoughts that were generated just added more layers to that magical elements in the moment and this particular worksohop..!